Book review: „The Unified Cycle Theory“ by Steve Puetz
After a long time I'd like to review a book: „The Unified Cycle Theory" published in 2009 by Steve Puetz is certainly one of the most innovative books on the financial markets of the past years. Puetz is well known because of the Puetz crash window defined by eclipses.
Puetz distinguishes 4 main cyclesA cycle is a recurring event in the markets (Link):
- Milankovitch cyclesA cycle is a recurring event in the markets : gravitational cyclesA cycle is a recurring event in the markets related to eccentricity, obliquity, and precession
- solar cyclesA cycle is a recurring event in the markets : magnetic cyclesA cycle is a recurring event in the markets primarily consisting of frequencies of 27 days, 11 years (Schwabe cycle), 88 years (Gleissberg cycle), and 208 years (Suess cycle)
- geomagnetic cyclesA cycle is a recurring event in the markets : primarily modulated by solar cyclesA cycle is a recurring event in the markets; however, a semi-annual cycle, a cycle related to eclipses, and a lunar cycle also play minor roles in geomagnetic oscillations
- EUWS (extra-universal wave series) cyclesA cycle is a recurring event in the markets : mysterious cyclesA cycle is a recurring event in the markets, linked precisely by a factor of 3, dominate all areas of the universe. These cyclesA cycle is a recurring event in the markets affect Earth and the universe throughout all timescales.
Below please find a list of the EUWS cyclesA cycle is a recurring event in the markets which are primarily anchored by highs in the markets, in contrast to traditional cyclesA cycle is a recurring event in the markets analysis based on lows:
(1) 28.68 days
(2) 86.04 days
(3) 258.11 days
(4) 2.12 years
(5) 6.36 years
(6) 19 years
(7) 57 years
(8) 172 years
(9) 515 years
(10) 1.545 years
(11) 4.636 years
(12) 13.909 years
(13) 41.728 years
(14) 125.000 years
(15) 376.000 years
(16) 1.13 million years
(17) 3.38 million years
(18) 10.1 million years
(19) 30.4 million years
(20) 91.3 million years
(21) 274 million years
(22) 821 million years
(23) 2.46 billion years
(24) 7.4 billion years
Depending on the cycle length, he correlates the cyclesA cycle is a recurring event in the markets with events in the markets, in the history of mankind, of the planet, of the solar system and of the universe. He also refers to the research of Edward Dewey and the cyclesA cycle is a recurring event in the markets Foundation that tried to unify cyclesA cycle is a recurring event in the markets with the aid of spectral analysis into a coherent system.
However, for some mysterious reason Puetz does not mention that Ray Thomes was the first to use the term „Unified cyclesA cycle is a recurring event in the markets Theory (UCT)" in 1990 (cyclesA cycle is a recurring event in the cycle is a recurring event in the markets.pdf">Link), so this idea is neither new or links itself to Puetz. It's also quite disappointing that Martin Armstrong's PEI model is not given credit at all, even though we have a quite precise overlap (e.g. Armstrong's 2.15 years & Puetz' 2.12 years). And neither is the work of Carl Johan Calleman quoted who extended the Mayan calendar to 16.4 billion years (the approximate age of the universe).
Absolutely new and groundbreaking is Puetz' idea of explaining cyclesA cycle is a recurring event in the markets with the aid of the 4 fundamental forces known in physics, hence the name (EUWS):
(1) gravitational force
(2) electromagnetic force
(3) weak nuclear force
(4) strong nuclear force
I'd like to add that Puetz does not take into consideration that a unified field theory as the common basis for all 4 forces does exist, as created by the German physicist Burkhard Heim (1925-2001). The reason why the ‚philosopher's stone' of physics is not discussed is that the calculations are so complex that probably only a handful of academics on the planet are able to understand them. It goes without saying that what is not understood is hardly applied or taught. Nevertheless, Heim's field theory is used today to calculate the constants in physics because they are more precise than with conventional theories. Heim calculated that the universe exists as 12 dimensions (6 concrete & subtle ones), which aligns with popular esoteric teachings. The hero of the crowd is Stephen Hawking with just 11 dimensions, as usually the crowd bets on the wrong horse.
The UCT topped out in early 2007 with the 57-year cycle which is now heading down until 2035 now. Puetz constructed the following composite model based on all cyclesA cycle is a recurring event in the markets ranging from 28.7 days to 515 years (Link):
Referring to the climate cyclesA cycle is a recurring event in the markets mentioned in the last newsletter I also want to present the UCT model since 1664 with climate hints (Link). Independent from researchers like Raymond Wheeler or Theodor Landscheidt, Puetz arrives at the conclusion that we are close to a major climate high and global climate is getting cooler for decades.
Conclusion: If used as one among other models, the UCT model is quite useful, even if it does not explain many events, trends or developments and was totally wrong over long periods. One example is that the UCT model was down 1949-1975 although 1949-1973 was up in every respect (economically, politically) with the peace & boom time after WW2. 3/9/2009 was the day of the peak of the 2.12 year cycle, ironically this was the very day of the most important stock market bottom of the past years. An inherent problem of all universal models is that just one model tries to explain everything (climate, economy etc), this type of oversimplification simply doesn't work in reality. Thus the implicit claim of the book that this is the "one and only" universal model doesn't work out in reality.