The Center of Mass of the Solar System (CM, Barycenter) (10/2007)
The mentioning of the Center of Mass of the solar system (CM, barycenter ) in the last newsletter has triggered several interested inquiries. That's why I have decided to dedicate a full article to the CM. A reminder: it was explained that on 7/23/07 Uranus, the planet of volatility and sudden turbulences, was squaring (angle of 90°) the CM, and soon thereafter on 7/24/07 the turbulences started with the 1st big down day in the stock markets.
The introduction of the barycenter into astrology goes back to the excellent German researcher Dr. Theodor Landscheidt, who unfortunately died in 2004. To my knowledge Landscheidt was the only astrologer who published in physics and meteorology magazines and he made astonishing weather forecasts at meteorology congresses. Landscheidt alone has done more for the progress of astrology than 1,000 mainstream (= psychological) astrologers, (almost) none of them doing research that's fulfilling at least the basic standards. The methodological standard of astrology is usually restricted to case histories and questionable speculations, so the formation of new theories normally means that an astrologer has observed something a couple of times, publishes a thick book on that which is quoted by others with and without giving credit, and over night a new astrological dogma is born...
It's no surprise that the ground-breaking and statistically very well backed insights of Landscheidt are barely accepted by the astrological community since he clearly showed up the weaknesses (and often the utter absurdity) of today's astrological mainstream. He also made constructive neo-astrological suggestions that are not based on nebulous speculations but on critical science. More on Landscheidt on
As Peter Fraiss, the "boss" of the Austrian astrologers (head of the astrology trade association of the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber) said in the last meeting in September 2007: astrologers often accusing scientists of their narrow-mindedness is a sign that the astrologers themselves are closed minded (the famous 'shadow' in Jung's terminology)...
Commonly it's assumed that the planets are revolving around the sun but this is not 100% correct: actually the sun is dancing around the CM, too. Because of the huge mass of the sun the barycenter is always close to the surface of the sun and often within the sun, that depends on the position of the heavy planets, primarily Jupiter and secondarily Saturn. The CM exactly on the surface often leads to heavy turbulences in the solar system (and on our planet, of course).
I suspect the center of mass plays a key role in transforming the energy from the Galactic Center (read more), that's why it acts as the 'navel' of the solar system. The center of mass (or gravitation) in the human body is presumably centered approximately in the navel, and the navel is on average situated at 0.618 (= phi, Golden section) of the height of a person.
Phi 0.618 is the most irrational of all irrational numbers, the irrational numbers are Yin (female), the rational numbers (can be written as a fraction) are the Yang (male) principle. This natural affinity of the genders can be observed in many areas of life, e.g. when analyzing conception. If the conception occurs around the middle of the approximately 28-days menstruation cycleA cycle is a recurring event in the markets. (= the rational number ½ = 0.5), then the odds of receiving a boy are quite large - whereas a conception near the irrational 0.382 or 0.618 point of the menstruation cycleA cycle is a recurring event in the markets. substantially increases the odds of receiving a girl.
From a symbolic perspective, the sun represents the male/ Yang/ fire principle and the center of mass is the female/ Yin/ earth principle. In my opinion the sun represents the heart (chakra) and the CM is the equivalent of the Tan t'ien/ navel/ milt. In our bodies, the milt chakra assimilates the solar energy and transforms it into energy for our body, just as the barycenter assimilates the energy from the Galactic Center and transforms it into energy for the solar system (speculative explanations).
It goes without saying that observing the CM only makes sense from a heliocentric (sun-centered) perspective because seen from earth (= geocentric) the sun is always very close to the sun, a permanent conjunction so-to-speak. As far as I know, there is currently only one program available that calculates the ephemeris of the CM: the "Sarastro" by Peter Fraiss ( - an English version should be available in the future).
Since the heaviest planet Jupiter is the most important factor in determining the path of the CM, the barycenter is often roughly moving at the speed of Jupiter but it may also jump at times or move backwards for longer periods. These jumps are a rare event but presumably have a special meaning, also with regard to solar activity. This is a depiction of the path of the CM 2003-2013 (the yellow disc is the sun), today it's at 263° = 23° Sag, the distance to Jupiter is 3°:
In the 20th century the center of mass was retrograde for a longer time only once: from September 1989 through December 1990. It's probably not pure chance that both in the political and business/ financial world this coincided with a remarkable time: first, in 1989 the Eastern bloc fell apart which was the most important system change since World War II. Second, the biggest bubble in the 2nd half of the 20th century (Japanese stocks & real estate bubble) did burst in 1989/90. Third, Gulf War I after Saddam Hussein attacking Kuwait was the key war of the 80ies and 90ies. Finally, a solar super storm hit Canada in 1989 and millions of Canadians had to live without power for days (
During the "grand conjunctions" every 20 years (conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn) that have been considered important for thousands of years, the barycenter is pulled almost 2 sun radii away from the middle of the sun. The two last occurrences were in 1980 and 2000, interestingly 1980 was the inflation-adjusted all-time high of the commodity/ inflation marketsToday the Inflation markets are commodities & equities, which usully have a high correlation with global liquidity. and 2000 the inflation-adjusted all-time high of the stock market, as well as the secularSecular means historic trends of 5-30years. low in commodities (+/- 1 year). These 2 key events for the financial markets in the past 100 years are presumably a by-product of the CM "elongation" (together with many other factors).
Like the conjunctions (0°) of Jupiter and Pluto, the conjunctions of Jupiter with the CM have been a reliable recession and crisis signature since the 19th century, often accompanied by major stock markets lows, usually in the window +/- a few months. The US recession times were extracted from, below please find an analysis of the Jupiter-CM conjunctions and the impact on the economy:
- 11/1881: depression 1882-1885
- 3/1891: recession 1890/91
- 10/1901: double-dip recession 1899/1900 & 1902-4
- 1/1912: serious recession 1910-12 & 1913/14
- 10/1920: double-dip recession 1918/19 & 1920/21, stock market low 12/1920
- 5/1930: serious depression 1929-33, stock market low 7/1932
- 4/1942: US entering WWII, stock market low 4/1942
- 8/1959: double-dip recession 1957/58 & 1960/61
- 11/1967 & 12/1969: recession 1969/70, stock market low 5/1970
- 6/1974: serious recession 1973-75, stock market low 10-12/1974
- 10/1982: recession 1981/82, stock market low 8/1982
- 7/1998: several crises (Asia, LTCM, Russia), stock market low 9-10/1998
- 8/2013: The crises years 2012-13 are cross-confirmed by a vast number of independent astrological and cyclical factors, this time-line should be the biggest challenge for the world in the 21st century.
Nevertheless, 2007 is an interesting year: Jupiter and CM come very close (few degrees orb) and almost touch but the conjunction is eventually lost, i.e. it doesn't get exact. In my opinion this is a good description of the wild ride of 2007: in August it looked like a very serious financial crisis was emerging but it could be averted (so far at least).
Moreover, the year 2007 is characterized by a unique constellation: in December Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, Pluto and the CM are all conjunct the Galactic Center (GC). The book "Transformation of Earth" by the top scientist "Morpheus" (ISBN-10: 393798724X) describes that giant proton flares happen almost exclusively when the Sun, the CM and the GC are all aligning. According to the Russian researcher Shpitalnaya, 18 of the 23 "monster flares" were recorded under this constellation, which translates into odds of less than 1:100,000 that this effect was a random effect (P<0.00001 in the Pearson test with 1 degree of freedom). With solar activity already at the highest level in at least 8,000 years (probably even more but we can't prove that, see there is a certain risk that we get a full load from the sun in December. That could lead to turbulences on more than one level, e.g. an increased risk of a large natural disaster or of power outages as in 1989 and so on.
The barycenter has immeasurably more facets than explained here (for instance with respect to war cycleA cycle is a recurring event in the markets.s), in the next years I will publish further articles.