What has Bear Stearns got to do with the supernova in March? (4/10/08)
The month of March was extra-ordinary, not just in the financial markets but also in the sky, as we would expect from the hermetic principle "as above, so below". On Sunday the 16th of March JP Morgan Chase bought Bear Stearns, after the 5th largest US investment bank was bankrupt and didn't even have the money to "turn the lights on on Monday morning". This incredibly dramatic event coincided with the first supernova since 1987 that was sighted on March 19th.
What is the meaning of a supernova? To answer that question I recommend three steps (epistemology of astrology):
(1) We first examine the astronomical background resp. the physical explanation of the event.
(2) Then we interpret these findings on the symbolic level in order to formulate a hypothesis on the astrological meaning.
(3) Finally, we test the hypotheses empirically.
Let's start with the first step, what is the astronomical-physical background? Wikipedia defines a supernova as follows (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Supernova):
A supernova (plural: supernovae or supernovas) is a stellar explosion that creates an extremely luminous object. A supernova causes a burst of radiation that may briefly outshine its entire host galaxy before fading from view over several weeks or months. During this short interval, a supernova can radiate as much energy as the Sun could emit over its life span. The explosion expels much or all of a star's material at a velocity of up to a tenth the speed of light, driving a shock wave into the surrounding interstellar medium. This shock wave sweeps up an expanding shell of gas and dust called a supernova remnant.
This is a picture of the last supernova of 1987:
Now to the 2nd step, the astrological meaning, we are able to distinguish two different key features (or archetypes) of supernovas:
(1) A supernova is certainly very plutonian in nature because it's the death of a star that is accompanied by huge destructivity. Pluto is the planet of death and destruction on the physical level and transformation on the symbolic level.
(2) In addition, a supernova is very uranian, too, because it's a sudden, unpredictable, and extra-ordinary event. Uranus rules all events that come out of the blue. The name is another hint because "supernova" could be translated as "very new".
So we can conclude that supernovae are coinciding with unexpected, extra-ordinary, destructive, and violent events on earth (something is dying or explodes).
Moreover, every planet is associated with a specific element (e.g. Saturn with lead, Mars with iron, Venus with copper). In tests it was observed chemical reactions may be faster or slower, or even lead to a different result when planets are involved in a major constellation. The most important astrological constellation is, of course, the conjunction (0°). A leading researcher in this field was professor Giorgio Piccardi, the head of the department of physical chemistry at the University of Florence, Italy (http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giorgio_Piccardi; an English Wikipedia entry is not available). According to Piccardi, two chemical substances do not always react the same way as one would assume, even if the conditions in the laboratory are identical. In 1939 he discovered that these alterations are by no means random but they depend on cosmic factors like solar activity, lunar phases, position of the earth with respect to the Galactic Centre and especially the position of the two largest bodies in our solar system, Jupiter and Saturn. In hundreds of thousands (!) experiments he could prove beyond the shadow of a doubt that, for instance, that the chemical reaction speed of bismuth oxychlorid and distilled water has a very powerful connection with solar activity (correlation coefficient r~0.9, r=1.0 is the theoretical maximum)
The effects of astrology (defined as the impact of the heavenly bodies upon the earthly affairs) can be easily proven with standard scientific methods in the laboratory, even if many scientists and - paradoxically! - also metaphysically (and partially psychology) oriented astrologers try to fight these facts. Piccardi remarked that, "it has never occurred to chemistries that not all hours are equal. And if they have been thinking about that, they never expressed their thoughts because it's too dangerous." (Giorgio Piccardi: Exposé Introducif" in Symposion Internationale sur les Relations Phénomenale Solaire et Terrestriale, Brussels, 1960).
Other researchers have successfully replicated the results, especially the excellent US researcher Nick Kollerstrom (http://www.borderlands.com/journal/lunar.htm) and anthroposophic researchers had ground-breaking successes, too (http://www.lebendigeerde.de/index.php?id=biodyn_forschung).
After this short side-note back to the supernovas. Uranus is associated with the element uranium and Pluto with plutonium. Uranus the planet of revolution was discovered in 1781 during the US independence war and uranium was first isolated by a German researcher in 1789, the year of the first president of the US and the French revolution that rattled Europe until 1815. Pluto was discovered in 1930 during the most severe depression in the history of capitalism, plutonium was discovered in 1941 at the beginning of the nuclear age, it is the heaviest element found in nature. Uranium and plutonium are the two key elements for nuclear power, so we can assume that a supernova is somehow connected to nuclear power. We could also say that the combination of Uranus and Pluto *is* nuclear power.
On the flip side, we could also expect moments of glory for mankind, like being reborn again on the collective level. This is only the 13th supernova since the birth of Christ, such a rare constellation suggests an orb (time window) of +/- 1 year or even more (which, of course, doesn't mean that it can't coincide precisely with events on our planet).
After this 2nd step I knew which way to go and where to search, and I indeed found some exciting patterns in the 3rd step of the empirical investigation of the hypotheses formulated. First a complete list of the 13 supernovas in history, according to the magnitude (mag):
185 Sign Centaur -6 mag
386 Sign Sagittarius ?
393 Sign Scorpio -3 mag
1006 Sign Wolf -7.5 ±0.4[1]
1054 Sign Taurus -6 mag
1181 Sign Cassiopeia -2 mag
1572 Sign Cassiopeia -4 mag
1604 Sign Ophiuchus -2 mag
1680 Sign Cassiopeia +6 mag
1885 Great Andromeda Nebula +6 mag
1979 galaxy Messier 100 +11.6 mag
1987 Large Magellan Cloud +3 mag
2008 Sign Boötes (Bear Watcher) +5.8 mag
The perhaps most startling insight is that the three most devastating events in the history of the (peaceful) use of nuclear power coincided (Harrisburg, Chernobyl, and Forsmark) with the three last supernovas, :
1. supernova SN 1979C 4/19/1979: Just three weeks before, the nuclear plant in Harrisburg (USA) was almost blown into pieces, this was the worst catastrophe until that year.
2. supernova 1987A 2/24/1987: On 4/26/1986 the atomic reactor in Chernobyl (Ukraine) exploded, the radioactive fall-out polluted hundreds of million of people, this was the biggest man-made catastrophe in history.
3. supernova 3/19/2008: In the summer of 2006 we were just 18 minutes (!) away from a terrible nuclear accident in Forsmark-1 (Sweden). Millions of people were rescued because one employee acted against the rules... This event was mostly swept under the rug in the brain-washed mass media. The fine-tuning of the event within one month was the declassification of Pluto to a dwarf planet in August 2006!
So we can conclude that a supernova coincides with highest risk of a terrible catastrophe in the weeks and months before. In my opinion, even the peaceful use of nuclear power is a crime against humanity because the risk associated can never be fully controlled and is always a threat to millions of people.
But about the risks of destruction on the level of business and finance, is there a risk of destruction, too? You can bet so, all four supernovas since the 18th century (onset of capitalism) the stock markets were in serious bear market:
(1) in the 1880ies the loss was about -25%
(2) 1979 was in the middle of the bear market 1973-82 which produced a loss of 50% in real terms. And in January 1980 the biggest commodity bubble of the 20th century exploded.
(3) In 1987 we witnessed the most spectacular crash in history (-36% within a short period). This is the horoscope of 8/25/87, the stock market top before the crash, where almost all planets were separated by the trine (120°). This extra-ordinary event was the so-called Harmonic Convergence.
(4) In 2008 we also had a crash, above all the Asia bubble has burst, the Chinese indices have halved in real terms. Besides, the real estate bubble burst, the biggest in history. According to the leading central bankers, the financial system was on the verge of a meltdown (or explosion) in March when the supernova was sighted.
Bear Stearns
The explosion of Bear Stearns is a special case. „Stearns" is pronounced as "sterns" which is the German word for "stars". So Bear Stearns could be easily associated with "bear stars". Isn't it an incredible ‘coincidence' that the supernova that happened within days of the Bear Stearns disaster was occurring in the sign "Bear Watcher...?
Bear Stearns was founded (again) on 8/21/1985 at 9.00 a.m. in Delaware, BSC started trading on 10/29/1985 in New York. The actual foundation was in 1923 which is interesting for two reasons: first, that was the year of the most important hyperinflationHyperinflation is inflation that is getting totally out of control. I define global hyperinflation in the broader sense as US$ inflation rising to a new all-time high at 20-30% each year and hyperinflation in the narrow sense of the word as 20-30% inflation each month. in history (Weimar), and second, it's a Uranus cycleA cycle is a recurring event in the markets. of 84 years, i.e. one revolution of Uranus (360°) takes 84 years. In astrological terms, 2007-8 was the first Uranus return. A planetary return usually means that this planetary principle is reinforced considerably, so a Uranus return can trigger surprises and sudden changes. Uranus is best-known for the half return (180°) at the age of about 42, which is well-known as the midlife-crisis. The most important planetary return is Saturn at the age of 29-30, this marks the end of youth, the biological peak in one's life and the beginning of aging.
As confirmed a couple of times, Neptune as the planet of liquidity (and thus solvency) is very strong for Bear Stearns for the time being, among other factors because the secondary progressed Neptune was stationary in 2007, this is a constellation that only happens once in a century. And then, the ascendant of the solar return chart was exactly conjunct Neptune. Neptune conjunct the center of mass (CM) on 2/27/08 was responsible for the exact timing.
At the end I'd like to discover the positive aspects of supernovas:
- At the time of the 1979 supernova the German physicist Dr. Hartmut Müller was working in Russia on the Global Scaling theory (1982 finished), in my opinion this theory will revolutionize the world at least as much as Einstein's theories.
- According to the calibrations of Dr. David Hawkins (http://www.veritaspub.com/), in 1987 for the first time in history global consciousness jumped above the critical 200 level on the 0-1000 scale. To be precise, it jumped from 190 to 204 near the harmonic convergence in August 1987. The level of 200 is the demarcation line between negative/ destructive (0-199) and positive/ constructive (200-1000). As long as we remain above 200, we won't experience a cruel global war in the WW1 or WW2 style. And in 1988 for the first time in history cold fusion was successfully conducted - this invention was suppressed by all means because it would have allowed free, safe, and nonhazardous energy for everyone and thus destroyed trillions of profits of the energy companies.